Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oscar Preview

This week the Academy Awards nominations were announced. A few surprises. We'll get to those in a minute.

But the big news is twelve nods for The Kings Speech, True Grit gets 10 and the big winner at the Golden Globes, The Social Network gets 8. Let's look a the major categories and I'll give you my picks for the years best.

Best Picture

True Grit -Fantastic job by the Coen Brothers casting and adapting this movie for a 21st century
fan base. This is great movie making in every regard. The King's Speech is a close
second. The Fighter is also terrific. Best three of the year.

Best Actor

Jeff Bridges - True Grit. He is simply Hollywood's best actor these days. This is not the
Slam dunk best performance like his last years Crazy Heart. But he is great as
Rooster Cogburn. Think winning back-to-back is deserved.

Best Actress

Natalie Portman - Black Swan. There's a lot of momentum for Annette Benning to win
this year. But in fairness, Portman is the years best in this category by far.

Best Supporting Actor

Geoffery Rush - The King's Speech. Fantastic as King George's speech tutor. For me, this is
the runaway performance in a category this year. Simply great.

Best Supporting Actress

Hailee Stienfeld - True Grit. It's very difficult for a 13 year old to star in a movie with Jeff
Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and look like you actually belong there.
She does. This in one of the best child performances in cinema in a long time.
Plus, this is her first role. Amazing.

And as far as the big Oscar surprise was?

Biggest Oscar Snub

Justin Timberlake - The Social Network. His supporting role in this movie was the best
thing in it, and not by a little. Certainly should have had a nomination.

The Academy Awards are handed out February 27.

Feel free to e-mail me with you thoughts at

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