Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Glad I Don't Get It

For most that know me, they will hopefully tell you that I am easy going and nowhere near quick to the trigger tempered. I am glad of that. Proud of the fact that I can digest most news both uplifting and vexing with an even perspective. But sometimes a tale can sideswipe me the wrong way.

Each Thursday on our morning show on WQMX, Sue Wilson and I have a segment called Country Pet Rescue, and we welcome a special, and I do mean special guest Georjette Thomas from One Of A Kind Pets in Akron to feature an adoptable dog of the week. One Of A Kind is a no kill shelter that is sanctuary to animals that are living on a prayer moments earlier. They find them homes, and do amazing, benevolent and necessary work. This week it was a one year old mutt named Mixer. Sounds harmless right? He is....his story is anything but.

Long story short because it's harsh. Someone was spotted throwing Mixer out of a moving car at considerable velocity for some reason. And then just driving off. Dumping a dog is always a lousy deal, but from a car? Good God man. Mixers terrible misfortune luckily ended quickly and was replaced by good fortune when a Samaritan from One Of A Kind witnessed the whole awful scene, and brought the severely wounded creature into the shelter. Result - severe head trauma and the actual loss of both eyes. Not simply sight....loss of the eyes.

Where does all that is right go when this kind of thing happens? What kind of unsettled heart inside a human being does this to an animal that just seconds before thought you were friends. OK, you're mad at the dog, frustrated even. You lash out in this heartless, and soul less fashion. You're not mad at a dog, you're mad at the world. Congratulations You are tougher, stronger and more calculating than a 35 pound dog. Question I have. What in the name of all that is holy, do these people do after this deed is done? How could one live with ones self? Our salvation as onlookers? They, are stuck being them for a lifetime.

Enough venom. This is where we, that are left with hearts that beat soundly and with goodness take over. We have Mixer. By all accounts he is incredibly loving and intuitive. He without the eye, is of keen and sharp sense. He is special, and will become more so as he razors in and sharpens his smell, his hearing and his touch. He will require someone equally as special to guide him through his life which is staring at him. And although Mixer can not return the gaze through the eye, he will through the spirit and the soul, and connect with one as special as he. In short, Mixer needs a seeing-eye person.

Who knows how the beginning of Mixers life went. Who knows what events led to the undeserved. Those with the poisoned souls will be dealt with at a later time. Hopefully here, and in the final change of venue by a higher power. But what we do know is this. Because of the work of the Angels at One Of A Kind Pets and places like them we know that Mixer will eventually find redemption with an owner who will need him and love him as much as he will them. That is who will eventually take Mixer. We don't know who that is, but they are out there. Waiting for something they don't even know this minute they are waiting for. And that's the beauty of it. There is a redeemer in waiting. And Mixer can wait in peace.

I don't get the kind of anger and evil that lurks in the soul of the heartless. And I'm glad I don't get it. But there are those willing to do the mending of even the most broken of hearts in man, and beast. We need them in our presence.

And I'm glad I get that.

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