Friday, February 11, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW - Just Go With It

Adam Sandler is back with yet another attempt at some kind of comedy with this week, Just Go With It.

Sandler of course, has been making this exact same movie now for about 20 years. A form of romantic comedy that has flashes of good, and actually some comic genius from time to time. Some genuinely funny moments, that all get washed away by far many more moments of 6th grade boys sleepover humor, or lack there of.

Sandler plays a single plastic surgeon in California who's whole lot in life is to date and sleep with women that he tells, he is married. Supposedly this is the key to getting hot, young women interested in you at mid-life. He meets a 23 year old hottie named Palmer (Brooklyn Decker). She doesn't buy into this whole story and demands to meet his fake soon to be ex-wife. The good Dr. enlists the help of his trusty assistant (Jennifer Aniston) and her two kids for the illusion. Somehow they all end up on an Hawaiian vacation together, and the whole pack of lies blows up and everyone lives happily eve after.

It all depends on why you go to the movies, as to whether you will like this or not. If you want mindless, (and I do mean mindless) humor, than this is your deal. If you think that the best and most funny humor is based in truth, steer clear. No character in this movie is anywhere near real or believable. No group of people is this stupid, clueless and this irresponsible. This movie is really borderline insulting at times, and boring the other times. But the whole making fun of plastic surgery line of humor is pretty funny, and rather creative. Too bad this dumb romantic story line has to play out too. It's the same Saturday Night Live ex-cast curse. Moments of real funny stuff, just like on the late night show itself. Not a 90 minute movie.

This flick has a big cast too. Sandler, Aniston, Decker, Nicole Kidman, and rocker Dave Mathews. This movie will find a big audience and bring in a ton of cash in the long run. Sandler does have a formula, and does have a following. It's no wonder he can find talented actors to tag along. The work I'm sure is easy, and the pay is huge. For the record, Sandler is who he is, yet again. Aniston looks great and has moments, but Kidman doing comedy in a very small role is pretty funny. Even though the writing is not very good, she does a lot with a little.

Just Go With It. We have all been down this same path before with Sandler and this bunch, and there is nothing new. There's a laugh or two, a giggle or two, but for the most part no reason to shell out 10 large per person to see this. Netflix in 90 days.

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