Friday, March 11, 2011


Just when you think there can not be anymore blatant rip-offs in Hollywood these days, here comes the latest, Battle:LA.

My gosh man, can't you guys at least try to cover up the fact that you're ripping off another movie, and a complete story? Battle:LA is the latest in a series of "end of the world" movies that have been marching to the theaters like a high school band at halftime the past few years. This disaster was written by "veteran" movie writer Christopher Bertolini. I don't know the man, but I know this. I'm confident that he saw Independence Day from the mid 1990's. And I am equally confident that he has played a combat video game. And as a result, it seemed he decided to merge the two for a movie script.

BLA, is virtually the exact same story as the inane Independence Day, just not as long, mercifully. Some alien world, comes to Earth and begins a worldwide takeover for some reason that is never really made clear. And they are eventually defeated by us, in the almost the exact same fashion in both movies. Bertolini does take a slightly different road to get there, but it's the same story. Somehow, some movie executive thought this was a good idea and bada-bing, we have Battle:LA.

This is two hours of video game like action. There really is no definitive story. There is no drama, and there is no doubt from the first frame what the outcome will be. This is really insulting to the movie paying public, but if you insist on flopping down dough on this thing you have yourself to blame. Cheesy, stupid, predictable, dumb...should I stop? And full of gaping holes. Who are these aliens? Where are they from? What exactly do they want? And above is it there is a civilization out there that can travel light years to earth, plan a calculated worldwide attack, and still be using weapons similar to ours? And can be beaten by our rag tag weaponry? And by the way, how can a group of five regular marines not get killed by these things when everyone has. And oh yeah. These aliens are so advanced with all the above, but they can't shoot a lick at point blank range.

Stunning too, is the amount of movies coming to the theaters that are so young men heavy in their targeting. They keep going, and they keep making them. Lots of guns, things blowing up and no story to mention. This movie is non-stop battle sequences - period, and I don't think these clowns care if one female on earth goes to see this. And I'm guessing that one may be the final count when this is over. It really is a video game, and that's my recommendation. There is not need to see this, when it's far more comfy and less expensive to sit home in your underwear at one in the morning and play a video game.

Sad too, this movie looks like 1,000 other movies that have been made over the past 10 years. Special effects are mundane and unoriginal. You can see the formula, and you know that there is nothing new here after about 15 minutes. Shame on the writer and director of this dog. This is a huge waste of time, resources and money.

Battle:LA. Pay no attention to this garbage. Pitiful and pathetic.

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