Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When you see the previews for the new Owen Wilson movie, Hall Pass you think it's really going to be a bust.

And for the most part, you would be right. Hall Pass from the Farrelly Brothers is the latest in envelope pushing comedies that have become a signature of this movie making duo now for over a decade. This comedy is another in a long line of young men comedies that have been streaking to the box office. What they want is 18 year old guys to flock to these movies and they do in record numbers.

It is becoming more and more difficult for women to go to the movies and really be entertained. This movie is the poster child for this fact. No, there's no real shoot-em-up scenes, or things blowing up, and there are no super-hero's that swoop in and save the day. But it does address the other thing that young men find so fascinating......hot women.

Hall Pass is maybe the most ridiculous premise that young men will not be able to relate to. These young beautiful wives in our story decide to give their mid-life crisis husbands "a week off from marriage to do whatever they want." Yeah, that's gonna happen. So our husbands in or movie run out and of course chase women, try to get them in bed and look absolutely pathetic doing it. You can only imagine what these movie makers with an R-rated movie attached to this piece, end up doing, and how much of it you get to see.

You know, there are moments in all of their movies that are really funny, and worthy of a laugh or two, but they never really stop pushing, and generally end up taking something too far. Then it just gets to be gross. And the young men howl like hyenas. And their girlfriends roll their eyes. But with this premise to begin with, this movie really has no shred of credibility with much of the movie going public. As you become adult, you realize this is so stupid and the joke loses the aura that make most movies really funny. The truth. Although, there are some truths shown about middle aged men, that are quite humorous.

But this movie is not made for adults, it's made for an audience that can not relate to being married, or anything resembling it whatsoever. And they will go, and roll on the floor laughing, at various foul language, body fluids, gross scenes, and hot women. This is a silly, far-fetched flick with a couple of laughs, rolled into a vile-fest.

Hall Pass. - Frat house rental in 90 days.

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