Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Equals Happiness

A couple of times a year my friend Don and I leave our wives here in Ohio for a weekend to fend for themselves, and we travel down to Florida for a great weekend of golf and food. I lived and worked in Florida for 10 years, and have some great friends there still. My wife and Don's wife are best friends, so it works out well on both ends. Our friends Ray and Tim both whom we've known for years, take some time off, and we play as much golf as we can squeeze into a few days. It's a first class time, with first class people.

Invariably on the way home, we talk what a great time it was, and how much fun it is to be around Ray and Tim. We only see them a couple times a year. These trips get me thinking about how lucky I am to have friends like these three who have really great outlooks on life. All of these guys are among the happiest people I know. And I think I have figured out why. They all are highly generous and all have a big benevolent streak. All three too, have highly generous wives and families.

Now I'll be the first to admit, at least as far and Ray and Tim are concerned living in the Florida sunshine doesn't hurt. But it's more than that. This is the holiday season and a time for giving. I have been out on some charity fundraisers for the community lately, and have noticed an interesting phenomenon. The people that stop by and give what they can to others, without even a second thought have this undeniable goodness about them. And they just flat out seem happier than most. You feel lucky that you just met them. Just like my three friends and their families.

It makes you wonder if giving to others who are truly in need with either money or some other generous act is much better for the soul than we think we already know. When we give, it makes us happy. Period! We feel good being around givers, even if you don't know their name or their story. Those who simply stop by and support worthy groups or organizations really inspire me. Being around givers, makes all of us want to give more. I think that's natural. I am also very lucky to have a wife who is very big-hearted and gives to many, including animals, out of the goodness of her heart. She sets the pace at our house.

Stop and think about the people in your life. The happiest ones you know, I'm betting, are those who give unselfishly of themselves as a way of life, and are glad to do it. You know, when you think about it, NOT giving, at the giving time of year takes a lot more energy than actually giving. It takes lots of energy to be suspicious of others, or to be reluctant to give to those with real need. Now no one is saying that we should all be stupid and give what we don't have. That just doesn't make sense. BUT this season, I plan on giving more of my time and being more generous than before. I think we would all like to be viewed as a benevolent person with a gentle soul. I know I do.

There has to be a connection. We do live in a complicated world. But could it be that the old adage that "it'll come back to you" is really true? Does it came back as true happiness? Could it really be that easy? Can it be that the key to being really happy, could be as simple as being more generous and benevolent? I'll ask my three friends. I'm thinking there's more and more to this all the time. I'm also thinking it couldn't hurt to try!

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