Saturday, April 12, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - Smart People

The new movie Smart People is a great example that many times smart people have the most to learn.

Smart People is the story of a Literature professor at Carnegie Mellon University that is struggling with life. He is a brilliant but totally self-absorbed, conceited, stuffy ego manic who suffers a head injury with seizures. He is ordered by his doctor not to drive for 6 months. So he is reliant on his equally brilliant, self-absorbed kids for transportation and life in general. Toss in his middle aged adopted brother who is complete opposite as the rest of the brood, and his doctor who was a former student and now his love interest, and you have a rather complicated flick.

And you do. But Smart People is a really terrific movie. Starring Dennis Quaid, Ellen Page, Thomas Haden Church and Sarah Jessica Parker. Great performances all. I'll be brutally honest here. Smart People is not for everyone. It is a small independent flick that has the same basic feel as Little Miss Sunshine, Sideways, and Juno. These movies many times miss with some casual movie goers. But Smart People is smart, funny, and as honest as you can get.

We get a first hand look at how narcissistic people many times can be their own worst enemy and not even know it. Isn't it ironic that self-absorbed people can't even fathom the possibility that they themselves, the center of their universe are fallible. As much time as they spend focusing inward, they really cannot see outward. And Smart People puts that front and center.

I liked Smart People very much. It really is a good night at the movies. Faced with our choices at the box office this early spring, Smart People is a great choice. Do not be afraid of Smart People.

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