Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ya Gotta Luv 'Em

Over the past few weeks I've been a little more mobile since the weathers been better. I, like you have been out running more errands , and just being outside more. Last weekend it was just great, and as I drove around I saw some others working hard and I thought they deserved their own article. So here's your props!

On Saturday I saw two guys dressed up like Uncle Sam holding a sandwich board in front of tax prep services. I also saw someone dress up as Handy Andy trying to get me to stop by and shop at his home store. AND I saw someone wearing a cow costume on a busy corner wearing a sign that said to "Eat More Chicken."

The guy in the cow get-up was really had his game on. He had this great little jive move going, that was in perfect rhythm. He had a cool wave working, horns were honking and waving at him and I think there were folks that pulled in for a delicious chicken sandwich - me included. Look, ya gotta luv these guys. Who are these folks that do that and for what pay? Not enough I am sure. These guys/gals should be paid well. And god bless 'em if they really put their heart and soul into it. I couldn't help but stop and support him, or her.

Also at the Indians games. The have the Hot Dog Derby every game. Three individuals dress up as hot dogs, one as Mustard, Onion and Ketchup, and they run around Progressive Field in front of 40,000 fans who cheer them on wildly to see who wins. I cheer too. I've been to two games this year so far and I would be hard pressed to tell you who the Tribe played, but I can tell you who won the Hot Dog Derby - Onion both times going away. I'm wondering if I can get odds on Onion in Vegas for my next visit. And both times I went up and grabbed a dog at the concessions to celebrate, so it must work.

If you've ever made your living that way even for a day god bless you. Thanks too. It has to be tough standing out on the street corner in a suit, asking people to stop on in and shop. I'm confident the suit can get hot too. I'm betting too it's a thankless job but to be honest with you, you do put a smile on a lot of faces. And maybe most importantly, kids love you! To all mascots everywhere, ya gotta luv 'em. And we do! Thanks!

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