Friday, October 3, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - Blindness

Now here's a movie that worth running away from at about 5,000 mph. My gosh, Julianne Moore stars in Blindness new in theaters this weekend, but it doesn't make any difference who is in this debacle. I wish I had better news here but I don't.

Blindness is the fictional story of a world gone blind- literally. People on earth start going blind by some...well...who knows why, they just do. Whatever it is, it's ....contagious? I guess. Because once it starts, it doesn't stop. Those "infected" by this ..whatever it is, are then whisked off to a government quarantine where they are to fend for themselves in very regard.

That quarantine then becomes a world gone wild. Food rationing, terrible living conditions, a black market pops up, prostitution rings begin, and general anarchy. Then at the movies merciful end, they are set free because the rest of the world seems to have gone blind too, and there's nothing really worth living for. How does all this happen? You never find out. Why does all of this happen? You never find out. What is the cause of all this? Who knows. And do you care about one character in this movie? No! It's a movie that just goes no where at all except down the drain.

My guess is that this is some kind of social statement being made here, and true calamity can bring out, and usually does bring out the worst in people. But my gosh....who wants to watch this? Blindness is flat out awful! I haven't been glad to leave a theater like this in years. I felt like I was in quarantine just having to sit through this putrid mess. Plus, it's offensive to those in real life that really are blind.

Depressing, dark, dank, morose, just flat out gaggable. (Is that a word?) It is now. Blindness is money and time wasted by everyone. What a waste of money to make it, market it, and certainly what a waste of MY money to go see it. The next time I want to feel this bad about something, I think I'll save my cash, walk out to the garage, and slam my hand in the car door. It would be quicker, and the pain would stop after a few minutes, instead of the two hours of my life I just let slip away. Plus I think it actually might be more fun!

There is no reason in the world to see Blindness. And there was really no reason for this mess to be made in the first place. That's the best I can do. Any choice at the box office this weekend or any other weekend is better. away...from Blindness. Absolutely awful.

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