Saturday, July 10, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW - The Last Airbender

A wildly popular kids TV show comes to the big screen, this time it's The Last Airbender.

This is another movie that's hard to review. the TV show is so popular, and the idea of this being made into a movie is very exciting for its fans. This time it's all live action. The story line is so hard to explain, because you do need some idea of the whole premise of the story before you walk in. And that's OK here because this is such a niche movie, casual movie goers will have virtually no interest.

You may have noticed your kids watching this show on TV and more than likely they want to go. TLA is for young kids especially who know the show. It may be fun for them to see this come to life on the big screen, and watch this fantastical story played out in live action. Be mindful, that this series is just getting started as they leave you hanging at movies end.

One thing this movie does very well, is that it's written well for young viewers. As an adult you may sit there and be bored with the really simple, and sometimes bad dialogue, and seemingly bad and very deliberate acting, but it is necessary as it is being penned for really young kids. It's not often a live action movie is made for this set anymore as animation has really taken over this market.

With that said, there are a lot of moments in this movie that flat out look silly. Both from an acting standpoint and plot line. The "Benders" as you will learn can control various elements to use to their advantage. Meaning the can control, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. As they control this, they for some reason have to do these ridiculous martial arts type of moves, over and over again to make it happen. It couldn't look sillier. But the kids didn't seem bothered by it, so maybe I should just get over it too.

Footnote. Available in regular viewing or 3-D. Sadly and surprisingly I found this 3-D not as good as others I've seen recently

The Last Airbender. For it's young fans, it seems right on the money. For parents of fans? You going is a real nice thing. Watch the kids have fun.

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