Sunday, September 14, 2008

Politics Schmolitics!

I really don't like politics. Oh, I don't mind debating politics, but it's the whole "politics" thing that grows weary on me. With all the election coverage these days, it got me thinking about how it transfers to our own lives on personal level.

And here it is smack dab in the middle of the Presidential Race, and politics are on TV 24/7. Don't you get tired of all the bickering? Man I do. One side says Yes, just because the other side says No. I do get concerned that one day my head will actually explode and it won't matter anymore. But seriously, it does get tiresome.

Some say that it's just healthy debate, and I guess it can be if anything ever really got done. Seems to me disagreeing to simply disagree isn't healthy at all. You know in your personal life, you divorce people like that. But in this country we elect them and put them on the lifetime payroll.

Truth is, politics permeates every major avenue of our lives. Elections, at home and in relationships. If you're lucky, you don't have to play a lot of that game. I think the key is to get the right people in your life, and keep them there. Funny part is if you simply go about your business, and spend your time doing the right thing, the politics stay low and you stay happier. Truth again is, most people DO know what the right thing is, but sometimes getting them to execute it can be another issue.

I, like you have never minded putting a ton of energy into other people. It's totally worth doing, putting energy into something greater than yourself. I have for the most part been blessed to have people in my life with the same point of view. You put a lot in and miraculously you get a lot out of it without even thinking about it. It's easy. You need a real friend, to act as a real friend for any good reason, I'm in.

Sometimes the tough part is knowing when the right people are around you, and when the wrong ones are. In elections the company you keep can win you or cost you election. But when it's over and done, we all move on. In life it gets a little dicier.

In elections, politicians choose other people for their own political gain, and that's to be expected. There's nothing personal about it. And that's why they are unpopular with the rest of us. The difference rests in our personal lives. Sometimes we choose those who are out for their own personal gain, instead of the common good of both. And those people generally succumb to the same fate as politicians. They become unpopular with us in our own lives, and we end up making other arrangements.

The election is sort of a microcosm of our lives. We vote for those who are good for us and vote against the ones that make our lives less fulfilling. It just doesn't get as much TV coverage. Good luck, and choose wisely in both arenas.

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