Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Should Be Beyond This

How about a little venting this time?

I am an optimist when it comes to most things in life. I can almost always see the big picture, and find the silver lining in most clouds. I'm proud of that. It keeps me sane sometimes. But I gotta level with you, three weeks ago I wasn't as primed up as many about the Browns this year. I was having fun with it in blog form. Getting people fired up for our first game on national TV. Expectations were high, and I really was guarded. I wanted then, and still hope for the best from here forward. But let's be real.

The Browns should be way beyond the point that they are at right now. I get it, injuries. I know. With that said, they have been not just beaten, but embarrassed in two of the three big TV audience games. What's going on right now is not professional. It's not just the losing, it's the total inability to do anything right at all. I challenge you to disagree with that. Find me a stat what suggests otherwise and I'll listen.

It's not one player, or coach, or anything else. And I don't want to hear about Brady Quinn. That has nothing to do with it. It's just bad...period. Do you find yourself gleeful when we complete a 4 yard pass? Yes, me too! Does anyone throw more 3 yard passes than us? We can't come close to stopping anyone, and we can't move the ball. The differential between us and them is embarrassing right now. Penalties, no pass rush, defense is on the field a million minutes a game. This is expansion team stuff, it really is, and it's hard to watch as a fan.

You know the funny part is, it would be hard for anyone to really disagree with this, even the Browns themselves. It just needs to be said out loud I guess. This team right now is expansion team caliber, and I have no idea how we've gotten here yet again. We're not competitive, and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm truly not trying to be offensive..just honest. Even the most die-hard Browns fan can't be at all happy seeing what is going on here.

Getting beat is one thing, we can live with that. I don't know who we can beat right now, if anyone. I think most anyone who is in touch with football at all would wholeheartedly agree. We should be way beyond these kind of stuff by now. Way beyond.

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