Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW - The Day The Earth Stood Still

Keanu Reeves stars in the remake of the 1951 classic, The Day The Earth Stood Still. Jennifer Connolly and Jaden Smith decided to jump on this sinking ship as well, trying to give some heart and soul to a hollow movie. Better decisions have been made.

The original struck a nerve with fans by making it a "cold war" themed movie that at the time was timely and honestly struck fear into our hearts. This version switches that a bit, and goes the Eco route. Aliens come to the earth with the intention of wiping out humanity in order to save the planet. We are the problem, not the earth. We are destroying it, and they are here take back earth after observing it from a far for generations. There's truth to the whole thing in premise, but as far as compelling movie making is concerned.

But let's forget the whole plot and premise thing for a minute. It's just boring. Reeves is boring, the whole mess is boring, with nothing to really hang it's hat on. Reeves is the "head alien" of sorts, and his simple speech, and mannerisms, probably right on with how an alien would's just boring.

Special effects are decent, what there are of them. Smith, and Connolly are livable, but the supporting cast, and subplots are laughable, and that includes the very talented Kathy Bates who plays the Secretary of Defense. Shame to, she is usually so good but there's not much to work with here. Subplots dumb, and dialogue even worse..sheesh! The flick also has an ending that will leave many cold, and scratching their heads. There are just so many other big movies out or on the way, this is a misser.

The Day The Earth Stood Still. The original is what it is. Maybe it was just better off left alone. The only thing that stood still today at the movies for me was time. It's the only two hour movie that took me four hours to see - seemingly.

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