Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It's big time movie season and Tom Cruise is back on the big screen this time in Valkyrie. Valkyrie is the code word used in Berlin for the famous failed assassination attempt on Nazi leader Adolph Hitler in the waning days of WWII.

It's been a long time since Cruise has had a really big time dramatic hit at the box office, but Valkyrie should change all that. Cruise plays the German Colonel who leads the attempt on Hitlers life in June 1944. He is the one entrusted by the inner circle of resistant Germans not loyal to the Nazi's to kill Hitler when the end of the war was imminent, and the Allies were just months away from knocking at Berlins door. They hoped to kill Hitler, and negotiate some sort of truce with the Americans and the rest of occupied Europe. But history tell us the attempt is not successful and all is up for grabs.

Valkyrie very successfully tells the story of just how elaborate the coup attempt was in Germany in 1944. Involving or trying to involve all branches of the German military and it's leading politicians. The story of the assassination attempt is taught in schools, but not to the extent Valkyrie does masterfully.

This though I feel is a history buffs, or movie goers movie. It is set in WWII, but I wouldn't call this a war movie. Valkyrie is light on action, but big on drama. Extremely well written, with a large cast of interesting characters, all developed as well as can be expected in a two hour movie. Cruise give a command performance in a large, leading role and to be honest is the only man for the job.

Valkyrie is not for everyone. It will leave some bored at the lack of shoot-em-up action. This is also not a special effect fest. This is a dramatic straight forward, deep plot historical movie. Be careful about stepping out to the concession stand, Valkyrie moves fast, and won't wait for you if you fall behind. But well, well done.

Valkyrie. If you do drama, it's a drama- doers dream.

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